Thursday, 20 March 2008

Make Repository In Ubuntu

Make repository in linux (ubuntu). One of the methods to install the application in Ubuntu 7,04 Festy Fawn are to use the Repository package. This package is the collection of applications that in input into several DVD. At the time of us want to install the application use Synaptic Package Manager, we are asked to put this DVD.
To make more practical, then all the Repository packages is put inside harddisk.

Following this method:

1.Prepare DVD Repository totalling 4 DVD.
2.Empty space in harddisk minimal 16 GB.

Now, let's begin:
1.For directory to repository.
Example, we give the name ubuntu.

2.Put DVD Repository that is first, enter to directory DVD and copy to directory that was made:

Example: rsync -avx -- progress/cdrom/./home/server/ubuntu/

3.Do for DVD Repository to 2, 3 and 4.
4.So that Repository could be used, then Edit file in:/etc/apt/source.list.

Add this line:
Example: deb file:///home/server/ubuntu/
Repository is ready to be used, you no longer need to put DVD Repository to install the application.
Good Luck.

The source: Various articles in the Internet