Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Ubuntu - The directory and the Bundle

The Linux bundle system and Unix are organised in the structure of the hierarchy, like the tree.
The highest level from the bundle system is/or the directory root.
In Unix design philosophy and Linux, all is regarded as the bundle, including hard disks, the partition and removable the media.

This is significant that all the bundles and the directory (including the disc and the other partition) is under the directory root.
For example,/home/jebediah/cheeses.odt put forward the channel (path) to the bundle cheeses.odt available in the directory jebediah whichever am under the directory home, that is under the directory root (/).
Under the directory root (/), there are several general important collections of the system directory is used by many Linux distributions other.
Below this am the list from the public's directory that is exact under the directory root (/) :

/Bin - the important binary application
/boot - the bundle that is needed to boot computer
/dev - the bundle device (the device)
/etc - the bundle of the configuration, the script startup, etc. (etc)...
/home - the starting point directory (home) to user
/lib - libraries system
/lost+found - provide the system lost+found for the available bundle is supervised the directory root (/)
/the media - Mount (contain) removable the media like CD-CREAM, the digital camera, etc....
/Mnt - to Mount the bundle system
/opt - the place of the location to menginstal the application of the addition (optional)
/proc - the special dynamic directory that handles information concerning the situation from the system
/root - the starting point directory to root, it was said slash-root'
/sbin - the binary important system
/sys - contain information concerning system
/TMP - the temporary bundle (temporary)
/usr - the place of the application and the bundle that often are used by the user (users)
/var - the bundle of the variable like the log and database